ICSE is the premier forum for researchers to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, outcomes, experiences, and challenges in the field of software engineering.
We invite high quality submissions of technical research papers describing original and unpublished results of empirical, conceptual, experimental, and theoretical software engineering research. Research that builds upon previously-published work should have been evaluated through systematic, comparative, empirical or experimental evaluation. Submissions of papers describing groundbreaking approaches to emerging problems will be considered based on timeliness and potential impact though these novel results are only strengthened through evaluation.
We welcome submissions addressing topics across the full spectrum of software engineering, including but not limited to:
Agile software development | Program analysis |
Autonomic and (self-)adaptive systems | Program comprehension |
Cloud computing | Program synthesis |
Component-based software engineering | Programming languages |
Configuration management and deployment | Recommendation systems |
Cooperative, distributed, and collaborative | Refactoring |
software engineering | Requirements engineering |
Cyber physical systems | Reverse engineering |
Debugging, fault localization, and repair | Search-based software engineering |
Dependability, safety, and reliability | Security, privacy and trust |
Embedded software | Software architecture |
Empirical software engineering | Software economics and metrics |
End-user software engineering | Software evolution and maintenance |
Formal methods | Software modeling and design |
Green and sustainable technologies | Software process |
Human factors and social aspects of | Software product lines |
software engineering | Software reuse |
Human-computer interaction | Software services |
Middleware, frameworks, and APIs | Software testing |
Mining software engineering repositories | Software visualization |
Mobile applications | Specification and modeling languages |
Model-driven engineering | Tools and environments |
Parallel, distributed, and concurrent systems | Traceability |
Performance | Ubiquitous/pervasive software systems |
Probabilistic systems | Validation and verification |
If your submission describes industrial practice or experience, you may wish to consider the ICSE 2016 Software Engineering in Practice track.
Submissions that are not in compliance with the required submission format or that are out of the scope of the conference will be rejected without reviewing.
Submitted papers must comply with ACM plagiarism policy and procedures. Papers submitted to ICSE 2016 must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere while under consideration for ICSE 2016.
All submissions that meet the criteria and fit the scope of the conference will be reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of novelty, evaluation, soundness, importance of contribution, quality of presentation, and appropriate comparison to related work.
ICSE this year will utilize a Program Board model to better manage the increasing number of submissions that it has been receiving each year. The Program Board will work with the Program Committee to make the final decisions about which submissions are accepted for presentation at the conference.
All paper authors will be given the opportunity to submit a short text with clarifications for reviewers based on their comments and questions posed by the reviewers. These clarifications will be considered when the Program Committee and Program Board members as a whole make final decisions on papers.
All submitted papers must conform to the ICSE 2016 formatting and submission instructions, and must not exceed 10 pages for the main text, inclusive of figures, tables, appendices, etc. References may be included on up to two additional pages. All submissions must be in PDF.
Papers must be submitted through the CyberChair online submission system. Papers must be submitted electronically at http://cyberchairpro.borbala.net/icsepapers/submit/ by the stated deadline. The deadline is firm and not negotiable. Note also that as part of the online submission process authors will be required to identify conflicts of interest (according to the COI rules at http://www.sigsoft.org/about/policies/pc-policy.htm) with the Program Board and Program Committee members.
Note also that the official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of ICSE 2016. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
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