ICSE 2016 call for contributions to
The 2016 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) workshops provide forums for small groups of participants (on the order of 20-50) to discuss current topics in software engineering research and practice. ICSE workshops provide opportunities for researchers to exchange and discuss innovative scientific and engineering ideas at a stage before the ideas have matured to warrant conference or journal publication. ICSE workshops also serve as incubators for scientific ideas or new scientific communities that form and share a particular research agenda.
Workshops can be quite diverse. The workshops may be either one or two days long and may be held before or after the main conference. Participation in ICSE workshops is usually open.
Organizers must abide *strictly* by the schedule below. Additionally, workshops that do not publish a proceedings may provide a 2-page workshop summary to be included in the ICSE Companion Proceedings (first and second bullets below).
ICSE 2016 will not pay for registration, travel, or other arrangements for workshop organizers or any of their invited speakers or invited guests. All workshop participants, including organizers, keynote speakers, and invited guests must register for the workshop.